Our News

The school in Bryansk got the course book “ABC of finance – basic concepts”
Two general educational institutions in Bezhitze (district in the city of Bryansk) have got textbooks of methods for teachers and course books and work books for senior pupils.
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Upper-form pupils will learn the secrets how to handle financial matters properly
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End of July Bank of Russia approved the second base standard of risk management for the micro-finance market.
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Quarterly Board of Directors Meeting of MCC Vyruchai- Dengi took place on the 4th of August
August 4 quarterly Board of Directors and Top Management Meeting was held.
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Does microfinance market need the basic standard?
Since the beginning of July the microfinance market introduced the first basic standard, which is aimed at protecting the rights of MFOs’ service recipients.
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Brand VD Platinum announces launching new product – loan against pledge of immovable property
Brand VD Platinum announces launching new product – loan against pledge of immovable property. The loan against pledge of immovable property 100 000 – 5 000 000 Roubles in size with annual surplus payment 26%* was presented and started operating on May 24, 2017.
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MFIs are not interested in getting the status of the Bank.
The Law bringing under regulation banks’ transformation into micro-finance companies (MFC) and rules for obtaining bank licences for MFCs is signed.
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Dear Customers! The Company would like to notify you that from May 1, 2017 the procedure for loan repayment without charge was changed.
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Bank of Russia presented for public consultations two documents aimed at simplifying accounting reporting of the Non-bank Financial Institutions.
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How the micro-financing market will be developing – perspective for three years? Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4262-U “On the Content, Form and Dating of Accounts to the Bank of Russia from Self-regulating Organizations in Financial Market Sector” enters in force on April 10, 2017.
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